We spent the beginning of the school year getting to know each other and enjoying being reunited with close friends from Senior Infants and former friends from Junior Infants. We enjoyed Play Time together and a nice visit to the School Garden while getting to know each other. During the first week of school, we learned a short poem called "The Sky Is The Limit." This poem became our theme for the first fortnight. We created an Art Display outside our classroom. We made our own hot air balloons to show that we are soaring to great heights in First Class. We learned a song called "Up, Up, Up." We also created a Class Tree to show unity as a new class.
Hello everyone! Welcome to our Class Blog. We are excited to show you a few of the activities we did and topics we worked on throughout our first half term in First Class. We hope you enjoy our Class Blog and like the photographs and videos posted throughout. We spent the beginning of the school year getting to know each other and enjoying being reunited with close friends from Senior Infants and former friends from Junior Infants. We enjoyed Play Time together and a nice visit to the School Garden while getting to know each other. During the first week of school, we learned a short poem called "The Sky Is The Limit." This poem became our theme for the first fortnight. We created an Art Display outside our classroom. We made our own hot air balloons to show that we are soaring to great heights in First Class. We learned a song called "Up, Up, Up." We also created a Class Tree to show unity as a new class. We covered many topics under the 3 SESE subjects. A Science topic that we really enjoyed working on was "The Five Senses." We played many games to help consolidate our learning. We learned a song, completed a few activity sheets and created our own Mr. Potato Head with five senses. We did great Maths work in September and October. We focused mainly on Number work and Addition. We worked on the numbers up to 20. We created lovely pieces of Art over the past few weeks. We drew Self Portraits in our Art Notebooks. Ms. Gaire thought we all looked so fabulous and unique in our drawings. We read a story called "Dream Boat" and decided to create our own Dream Boats sailing on the sea. It involved drawing, painting and printing to create a reflection of the boat in the water. We were so pleased with our finished Art pieces. At the start of October, we wished our much loved Mrs. McIntyre a happy retirement. When Mrs. McIntrye visited our classroom, we recited a lovely poem called "Thank You Mrs. McIntyre." She loved the poem and was very touched by our performance for her. We gave her a gift and home-made cards to thank her for teaching us and to wish her well in her retirement. Every pupil in the school decorated a triangular piece of paper. We used these to create strings of bunting to hang around the school as personalised decorations for Mrs. McIntyre's last day in Scoil An Linbh Iosa. We are already looking forward to a visit from Mrs. McIntyre in the near future. We worked on the theme of "Autumn." We studied the seasonal changes that occur between Summer and Autumn. We learned a song called "Orange, Yellow, Red & Brown." At the Nature Table, we sorted pine cones, leaves and conkers into groups. We all created a lovely Art piece of a squirrel settling into a nest of leaves to hibernate. To create this piece, we used leaves & autumnal colours to do leaf rubbings to create the squirrel's bed of leaves. We coloured a template of a squirrel brown and cut it out. We placed the squirrel onto the bed of leaves and gave the squirrel a bushy tail by using many Autumn leaves. We learned a poem called "The Squirrel." Hayley gifted our class two great pumpkins that she grew. She explained the process of how she grew the pumpkins. We were so happy to have them in our classroom. We completed activity sheets based on the topic of Autumn. Have a look at the photographs and video below. We enjoyed celebrating "Halloween" together. On the week leading up to the Mid-Term Break, we completed various tasks and activities based on the theme of "Halloween." We learned about Halloween Traditions in History, created an Art piece called "Ghost At The Window," learned a Halloween song and learned a poem called "Knocking On My Door." At the Role Play Station, we created magic potions and invented magic spells. Some magic potions turned us into spiders, while other potions turned us into different creatures! Ms. Gaire was hoping that the magic potions wouldn't turn us into mice in her classroom! We also wrote our very own spooky Halloween stories. On Friday 22nd of October, we dressed up in amazing costumes. We showed off our costumes in the PE Hall when we had a Halloween Parade with the other First Classes. We had a party in our classroom where we played various games & had a dance party. Have a look at the photographs and video below. Ms. Gaire is so proud of us for being kind, friendly and hard working. She loves when we try our best at school. We earn marbles for our group jars and enjoy Play Time on Friday due to earning many marbles. We get a "petal" on the class flowers every time we do or achieve something great. We are working towards 12 petals to get our next Big Treat. We have a feeling that will be very soon! We will update you on our next ventures in November and December before Christmas. We will catch up again then! Slán!
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