G Suite for Education Login Details
This guide is for 1st class only. If you have children in other classes you will receive a separate text message with instructions for their class.
This will allow your child to access Google Classroom and other Google services for home learning. Your child may already know their login details from using the Chromebooks in school but they will still need to follow this process. This is in accordance with our G Suite for Education Policy. Please make sure to read it here if you have any concerns or wish to opt out.
Please follow all steps below to set your child up in Google Classroom.
You can use Google Classroom on a computer, phone or tablet.
It is best to use the Google Classroom phone/tablet app if you are submitting a photo or video of your child's work. Older children may be given the option to submit typed work (Doc/Slideshow etc.) from time to time and this is easier to do on a computer.
You should install the Google Classroom App on at least one phone or tablet in your household to enable your child to more easily submit photos and videos of schoolwork.
Step 1:
If you are logging in from a computer:
Go to classroom.google.com
If you are logging in from a phone or tablet:
First, download the Google Classroom app.
Find Google Classroom in the App Store for your device or use the links below
IOS (iPhone/iPad) - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/google-classroom/id924620788
Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.classroom&hl=en
If you already use a Google account on your device you may need to select "Use another account". This option is normally available below your own personal Google account (gmail address).
Step 2:
Now, enter your child's School G Suite for Education account details.
Your child's Google login will be in the format:
[email protected]
e.g. Joe Smith
[email protected]
Joe Smith-Murray
[email protected]
Password: Schoolyard1
You will be asked to enter a new password on login. PLEASE write down your password immediately and place somewhere safe and easily accessible by your child.
We suggest that you use a familiar password or one that you have used in another setting to ensure no login issues.
If you are having trouble please read one of the guides on our Help page and if you are still having trouble please email [email protected]
Step 3:
If you have managed to login to Google Classroom successfully, then please "Join Class" by clicking the "+" in the top right and enter the code for 1st class:
Note: This code is only for joining 1st Class. If you have children in another class you will receive a separate text message with instructions and a different joining code.
Step 4:
You have now joined 1st Class.
Go to the "Stream" tab and try an assignment called "My First Assignment" - The instructions are in the assignment - please follow them step by step to submit your child's first assignment.
You can send a "private comment" in the assignment if you are having trouble.
Further help can be found on the Google Classroom page of our website.
This guide is for 1st class only. If you have children in other classes you will receive a separate text message with instructions for their class.
This will allow your child to access Google Classroom and other Google services for home learning. Your child may already know their login details from using the Chromebooks in school but they will still need to follow this process. This is in accordance with our G Suite for Education Policy. Please make sure to read it here if you have any concerns or wish to opt out.
Please follow all steps below to set your child up in Google Classroom.
You can use Google Classroom on a computer, phone or tablet.
It is best to use the Google Classroom phone/tablet app if you are submitting a photo or video of your child's work. Older children may be given the option to submit typed work (Doc/Slideshow etc.) from time to time and this is easier to do on a computer.
You should install the Google Classroom App on at least one phone or tablet in your household to enable your child to more easily submit photos and videos of schoolwork.
Step 1:
If you are logging in from a computer:
Go to classroom.google.com
If you are logging in from a phone or tablet:
First, download the Google Classroom app.
Find Google Classroom in the App Store for your device or use the links below
IOS (iPhone/iPad) - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/google-classroom/id924620788
Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.classroom&hl=en
If you already use a Google account on your device you may need to select "Use another account". This option is normally available below your own personal Google account (gmail address).
Step 2:
Now, enter your child's School G Suite for Education account details.
Your child's Google login will be in the format:
[email protected]
e.g. Joe Smith
[email protected]
Joe Smith-Murray
[email protected]
Password: Schoolyard1
You will be asked to enter a new password on login. PLEASE write down your password immediately and place somewhere safe and easily accessible by your child.
We suggest that you use a familiar password or one that you have used in another setting to ensure no login issues.
If you are having trouble please read one of the guides on our Help page and if you are still having trouble please email [email protected]
Step 3:
If you have managed to login to Google Classroom successfully, then please "Join Class" by clicking the "+" in the top right and enter the code for 1st class:
Note: This code is only for joining 1st Class. If you have children in another class you will receive a separate text message with instructions and a different joining code.
Step 4:
You have now joined 1st Class.
Go to the "Stream" tab and try an assignment called "My First Assignment" - The instructions are in the assignment - please follow them step by step to submit your child's first assignment.
You can send a "private comment" in the assignment if you are having trouble.
Further help can be found on the Google Classroom page of our website.