Medical Matters
The H.S.E.
The school facilitates the Health Services in the provision of the following
Administration of Medication:
Click here to view our Administration of Medication Policy.
Head Lice
No matter how careful you are about your child’s hair, there is still a chance it can become infested with head lice. It is important you know how to recognise the problem early and how to cope with it.
How do I know if my child has head lice?
Head lice cause itching and irritation and scratching the scalp is usually the first sign that a child has head lice. By this time though, the lice have probably been in the hair for several weeks. So don’t wait for the scratching to start. Check your child’s hair regularly. Look carefully for the eggs or nits, particularly behind the ears, at the back of the head, on the neck, crown or under the fringes.
You can’t mistake nits for dandruff. Dandruff irritates too, but it is dull, flaky and loose enough to fall out. The nits are shiny and firmly attached to the hair. That’s why it is so difficult to get rid of them.
How do I get rid of head lice?
Treatment is in the form of either a shampoo or lotion, which are available from your local pharmacist. It is very important to follow the instructions very carefully and to check that no-one else in the family is infected. It is also essential to fine comb the hair- some people recommend putting conditioner in the hair and then fine combing.
If you need more advice, ask your public health nurse, chemist, doctor or local health clinic. - This website is also a very useful source of information.
The school facilitates the Health Services in the provision of the following
- Booster Injections - Junior Infants
- Eye tests - Junior & Senior Infants
- Hearing Tests - Senior Infants
Administration of Medication:
Click here to view our Administration of Medication Policy.
Head Lice
No matter how careful you are about your child’s hair, there is still a chance it can become infested with head lice. It is important you know how to recognise the problem early and how to cope with it.
How do I know if my child has head lice?
Head lice cause itching and irritation and scratching the scalp is usually the first sign that a child has head lice. By this time though, the lice have probably been in the hair for several weeks. So don’t wait for the scratching to start. Check your child’s hair regularly. Look carefully for the eggs or nits, particularly behind the ears, at the back of the head, on the neck, crown or under the fringes.
You can’t mistake nits for dandruff. Dandruff irritates too, but it is dull, flaky and loose enough to fall out. The nits are shiny and firmly attached to the hair. That’s why it is so difficult to get rid of them.
How do I get rid of head lice?
Treatment is in the form of either a shampoo or lotion, which are available from your local pharmacist. It is very important to follow the instructions very carefully and to check that no-one else in the family is infected. It is also essential to fine comb the hair- some people recommend putting conditioner in the hair and then fine combing.
If you need more advice, ask your public health nurse, chemist, doctor or local health clinic. - This website is also a very useful source of information.