We are finishing off the school year in style… with days filled with art, drama, teach the teacher lessons, maths trails & lots lots more! We also had an exciting day in Scoil an Linbh Íosa with a visit from the ice-cream van. Ms Dunne’s class brought their creative sides outside to create some chalk masterpieces. Our Breakfast Morning was a great success! Ms Dunne’s class were very creative while studying the genre of poetry recently & even wrote some very catchy raps! Some of the children decided to record their pieces to share with you all! Our class took part in An Taisce- Global Care workshop. This initiative was for children in Ireland and Kenya. My class had to come up with an invention to combat climate change. They used all recyclable stuff to create their inventions. My class worked really hard for weeks and presented their inventions to a representative in An Taisce. The children got to see inventions made from children around Ireland and from Kenya. It was an amazing project to be apart of. Ms Dunne’s 4th class did a fantastic job caring for their caterpillars over the past 6 weeks. When they arrived the class had to transfer their caterpillar (larva) into an individual vial with food, where they would spent the next few weeks eating as much as they could before turning into a chrysalis (pupa). The class they transfer their pupa into a net where the butterflies could emerge safely. What a wonderful experience-watching the process of metamorphosis in real life! The class have released their butterflies into the school garden over the past few days. We will be sure to keep an eye out for our colourful friends! Check out these pictures of Ms. Dunne's fourth class having an abundance of fun on their sports day. We did lots of activities like the high jump, an obstacle course, orienteering to name but a few. |
November 2024
Fourth ClassCheck out our news. Categories