Dear Parent(s)/ Guardians,
Below are some activities and web sites that you can do with your child during the school closure.
Shared Reading:
Read plenty of books to your child. Find the title of the book, the author of the book and the illustrator. Invite your child to make predictions as you read through the story. Ask questions based on the story to assess your child’s understanding. Discuss the pictures etc.
Independent Reading: Provide books for your child to read independently and follow the ideas above also. I have also sent home some extra books with your child
Tricky Words & Dolch Words in Words Copy
- Check/Revise sight vocabulary in word copies.
Handwriting: Capital letters
Handwriting book: T Y K X. Check pencil grip. Ensure your child is forming the letters correctly.
Practice the letter formation of all lowercase and capital letters.
Call out some simple words and encourage your child to sound these out as they write them down. Example: hen, dog, bat, jam, fish, chips, start, wash etc. As well as practising words in isolation, practise writing full sentences. Example: He can run./ The man has a hat./ I see a duck in the pond. Encourage correct use of punctuation.
Free Writing: Encourage your children to do some free writing. (We do this regularly in class). Write a few sentences on anything that interests them. Eg. A walk you went on earlier; A favourite story; My Family; St. Patrick…..
Help them to sound out the words as they write.
- Literacy web sites/apps
-Jolly Phonics app
-Alphablocks (you tube) OR eggy words app (TRICKY WORDS) has lots of books to download for infants
- -Revise number formation: Numbers 1- 10
- -Practise writing numbers by tracing over letters written in highlighter by an adult, tracing a letter in sand/ shaving foam/ flour etc.
- -Practise counting up to 20.
- -Count a number of objects.
- -Ask your child to create a set of 3 or 8 or 10 etc and label the set with the correct number (eg. Make a set of 5 spoons/ Make a set of 3 crayons)
- -Create a set of 2 and ask your child to change it to a set of 9/ Create a set of 5 and ask your child to change it to a set of 10 etc.
- Topic: Addition
- -Write simple sums for your children to complete within the answer range of 1- 10. Example: 3 + 6 = ___/ 2 + 5 = ___. Provide a number line 1-10 for your child to use when completing the sums.
- Look through your child’s Maths workbook to see how we write the number stories. Examples on pages 75, 76. Ask your child to write out the number stories for 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
- Maths Book: P.113-116 (Number)