The children of fifth and sixth class had the pleasure of receiving a visit from Ryan and Gerry of Human Rights Ireland today. Ryan spoke to the children about the very interest topic of Human Rights and gave them a wealth of information on the 30 Human Rights that each and everyone of us are entitled to. The children watched some videos, engaged in interesting discussion and has the opportunity to interview each other. Without a doubt, we have a new outlook on what Human Rights are and will strive to implement these rights in Scoil an Linbh Íosa to the best of our ability. Many thanks to Ryan and Gerry to coming to visit us today. Below are some photos of the children during the session. Well done to 5th & 6th class boys/girls who took part in the soccer this year. Fair play for braving the cold and wet this afternoon to finish up our House League. We have super talent here in Prosperous! An exciting end to our house league with a penalty shoot out between our two final teams: A & C Well done to our runners up: Team A- Mark, Michael, Leon, Max, Rúairí and Hannah.
Huge Congratulations to our winning team: Team C- Ross, Fionn, Aaron, Jamie, Billy and Dylan. Our player of the year was Mark; who not only showed great skill but also great sportsmanship! Maith sibh!! For the past two weeks, all the students have been busy celebrating Seachtain na Gaeilge. All the way from Junior Infants up to sixth class, all the children have been making a huge effort to speak Irish. The children from 4th, 5th and 6th also took part in a tráth na gcéist that was an enjoyable way of listening to and understanding Gaeilge. As Seachtain na Gaeilge drew to a close, every pupil gathered in the halla to celebrate with a céilí. The video below shows the fun that everyone had! Bain taitneamh as! For the past number of weeks, the children of fifth and sixth class have been partaking in an in-house league. This consisted of a number of various teams playing a tournament in which they put all their soccer skills to good use. The children had the opportunity to play numerous games and earn points. The children have really enjoyed their games each week. A huge thank you to Ms. Dunne who has trained the children and ran this soccer league. Below are a few pictures of the children enjoying their games in the sun.
We at Scoil an Linbh Íosa would really appreciate your support in this clothes appeal. Have a look at the poster below for all the relevant details.
Date: Tues 4th April 2017 from 7pm-9pm
Venue: Kildare Education Centre Presented by David Dempsey (Facilitator of the Maths for Parents evenings) A gentle and relaxed course with the aim of assisting parents in helping their child with their homework and schoolwork in Irish. This brand new course is delivered through English and aims to give tips and resources to boost confidence and enthusiasm in Irish for both children and parents. No minimum levels of Irish fluency required. IMPORTANT - Please Note: When booking in for this workshop, in the fields where it requests School Roll No. and Teaching Council No. you will need to insert 00000 in order to process your booking. Yesterday marked World Book Day 2017, a worldwide celebration of authors, illustrators, books and most importantly reading! Everyone at Scoil an Linbh Íosa loves to read and we celebrated in style yesterday. Have a look at this short video that shows the enthusiasm, creativity and love of reading by both the students at staff! |
June 2017
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