Scoil an Linbh Íosa is among the first group of schools in the country to receive the Digital Schools of Distinction Award.
The Digital Schools of Distinction Award is a flagship programme to promote and acknowledge best practice use of ICT to deliver the best educational experience for pupils at primary level.
To achieve this award we were evaluated under the following five criteria:
1. Leadership and Vision
2. ICT integration in the curriculum
3. School ICT Culture
4. Continuing Professional Development
5. Resources and infrastructure
The assessor who visited our school was particularly impressed with the wide range of ICT resources in the school. He also made specific comment on our imaginative usage of ICT and how we were using it to promote problem solving and teamwork. ICT is integrated across the entire curriculum and in particular in numeracy and literacy. We have great plans for the coming years and this award will drive us to achieve these plans.
The Digital Schools of Distinction Award is a flagship programme to promote and acknowledge best practice use of ICT to deliver the best educational experience for pupils at primary level.
To achieve this award we were evaluated under the following five criteria:
1. Leadership and Vision
2. ICT integration in the curriculum
3. School ICT Culture
4. Continuing Professional Development
5. Resources and infrastructure
The assessor who visited our school was particularly impressed with the wide range of ICT resources in the school. He also made specific comment on our imaginative usage of ICT and how we were using it to promote problem solving and teamwork. ICT is integrated across the entire curriculum and in particular in numeracy and literacy. We have great plans for the coming years and this award will drive us to achieve these plans.