Dear Parent(s)/ Guardians,
Below we have listed some activities for your child to do each day. It is really important that you do these activities so that we can cover the whole curriculum in Junior Infants. It is also important because the work in Junior Infants is very repetitive in order to consolidate learning and the children need to repeat this work every day. Some activities are practical and some are written. This is how the children learn in school.
Shared Reading:
Read plenty of books to your child. Find the title of the book, the author of the book and the illustrator. Invite your child to make predictions as you read through the story. Ask questions based on the story to assess your child’s understanding. Discuss the pictures etc.
Tricky Words in Word Bag:
-Read words (Many new words have been added to the bag. The Daily Plan will tell you when to introduce each new word.)
-Put words into sentences.
-Play some of the following games. Two or more players are needed, and in many cases, another copy of each word needs to be made.
- Matching Pairs – Place cards face down on the table. Take turns to turn two cards over to find the matching pair of Tricky Words. Read the words. If a match is found, keep the pair. If cards do not match, put the cards back face down on the table. The person with the most pairs wins the game.
- “Hi-Five” the word – Display the words. Call out a word, the first person to “Hi-Five” the word wins.
- Hidden words – Words are written on white paper in white crayon. The child colours over the crayon in marker to reveal the Tricky Word and says the word revealed.
- Twister – Play the game “Twister.” Place a Tricky Word on each colour. Instead of calling out the colours, call out the Tricky Words.
- Bingo- Create a Bingo sheet with 6 Tricky Words and play Bingo.
- “Car Park” game – Sheet of paper with words on it in the form of a car park (each car park space has a tricky word) Take turns to park a toy car on a tricky word and say the word when parking in that space.
Words Lists:
Read all words on the lists and put some words into sentences. The Daily Plan will tell you when to introduce a new list.
Sounds Book:
-Revise all sounds at the back on the Sounds Book.
-Compete pages marked.
Tongue Ticklers:
Revise all tongue ticklers.
Handwriting: Lower Case letters “o, a, d, g, q, u, y”
-Practice the letter formation by tracing over letters written in highlighter by an adult, tracing a letter in sand/ shaving foam/ flour etc.
-Complete pages marked in the home handwriting workbook.
English & Literacy websites/ apps to use daily:
-Jolly Phonics app
-Alphablocks videos (on Youtube) OR eggy words app (Tricky Words) has lots of books to download for Infants.
-Practise number formation: Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
-Practise writing numbers by tracing over letters written in highlighter by an adult, tracing a letter in sand/ shaving foam/ flour etc.
Topic: Comparing & Ordering 2
-Complete pages marked in Maths school workbook and in Maths home workbook.
Topic: Counting
-Practise counting up to 10.
-Count a number of objects.
-Ask your child to create a set of 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 and label the set with the correct number (eg. Make a set of 5 spoons/ Make a set of 3 crayons)
-Create a set of 2 and ask your child to change it to a set of 5/ Create a set of 1 and ask your child to change it to a set of 3 etc.
-Complete pages marked in Maths school workbook.
Maths & Numeracy websites/ apps to use daily:
Day 1: Wednesday 18th
-Shared Reading: any book from home
-Revise Tongue Ticklers
-Revise Tricky Words. Learn new words “said” & “here”
-Handwriting workbook: Draw picture & complete 2 lines of letter ‘o’
-Sounds Book: complete page with “x”
-Maths: Count from 1-10 forwards and backwards.
Revise number formation of the numbers 1-5 & create a set of flashcards. Order the numbers.
-Pick a website/ app to work on
Day 2: Thursday 19th
-Shared Reading: any book from home
-Reading: Read words on List 9
-Revise Tricky Words
-Handwriting workbook- Complete 2 lines of letter ‘o’
- Maths: Count from 1-10 forwards and backwards.
Practise writing numbers 1-5. Create a set of each number (eg. a set of apples)
-Pick a website/ app to work on
Day 3: Friday 20th
-Shared Reading: any book from home
-Revise Tongue Ticklers
-Revise Tricky Words
-Handwriting workbook- Draw picture and complete 2 lines of letter ‘a’
-Sounds Book: complete page with “ai”
- Maths: Count from 1-10 forwards and backwards
Revise number formation of numbers 1- 5. Use paint, crayons, markers, stones, flour, shaving foam etc.
-Pick a website/ app to work on
Day 4: Monday 23rd
-Shared Reading: any book from home
-Reading: Read words on List 9
-Revise Tricky Words
-Handwriting workbook- Complete 2 lines of letter ‘a’
-Maths: Complete page 92 in School Maths workbook
-Pick a website/ app to work on
Day 5: Tuesday 24th
-Shared Reading: any book from home
-Revise Tongue Ticklers
-Revise Tricky Words. Learn new words “there” & “they”
-Handwriting workbook- Draw picture & complete 2 lines of letter ‘d’
-Sounds Book: complete page with “oa”
-Maths: Complete page 93 in School Maths Workbook
-Pick a website/ app to work on
Day 6: Wednesday 25th
-Shared Reading: any book from home
-Reading: Read words on List 9
-Revise Tricky Words
-Handwriting workbook- Complete 2 lines of letter ‘d’
-Maths: Complete page 32 in Home Maths workbook
-Pick a website/ app to work on
Day 7:Thursday 26th
-Shared Reading: any book from home
-Revise Tongue Ticklers
-Revise Tricky Words
-Handwriting workbook- Draw picture & complete 2 lines of letter ‘g’
-Sounds Book: complete page with “ie”
-Maths: Complete page 37 in Home Maths workbook
-Pick a website app to work on
Day 8: Friday 27th
-Shared Reading: any book from home
-Reading: Read words on List 10
-Revise Tricky Words
-Handwriting workbook- complete 2 lines of letter ‘g’
-Maths: Revise prepositions (beside, in, above, on, next to, under) Play games (eg. Put the book under the chair.)
-Pick a website/ app to work on
Day 9: Monday 30th
-Shared Reading: any book from home
-Revise Tongue Ticklers
-Revise Tricky Words. Learn new words “go” & “no”
-Handwriting workbook- Draw picture & complete 2 lines of letter ‘q’
-Sounds Book: complete page with “ee”
-Maths: Revise prepositions (beside, in, above, on, next to, under) Play games (eg. Put the cup on the plate.)
- Pick a website/ app to work on
Day 10: Tuesday 31st
-Shared Reading: any book from home
-Reading: Read words on List 10
-Revise Tricky Words
-Handwriting workbook- complete 2 lines of letter ‘q’
-Maths: Complete page 15 in Home Maths workbook
-Pick a website/ app to work on
Day 11: Wednesday 1st
-Shared Reading: any book from home
-Revise Tongue Ticklers
-Revise Tricky Words
-Handwriting- Draw picture & complete 2 lines of letter ‘u’
-Sounds Book: complete page with “or”
-Maths: Count from 1-10 forwards and backwards.
Write numbers 1-5 & make a sets of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
-Pick a website/ app to work on
Day 12: Thursday 2nd
-Shared Reading: any book from home
-Reading: Read words on List 10
-Revise Tricky Words
-Handwriting workbook- complete 2 lines of letter ‘u’
-Maths: Play a boardgame.
-Pick a website/ app to work on
Day 13: Friday 3rd
-Shared Reading: any book from home
-Revise Tongue Ticklers
-Revise Tricky Words. Learn new words “so” & “my”
-Handwriting workbook- Draw picture & complete 2 lines of letter ‘y’
-Maths: Revise making patterns with two colours (eg. red, blue, red, blue…)
-Pick a website/ app to work on
Easter Break for two weeks